Friday, June 25, 2021

Musing Memory & Mirror 6.25.2015

The healing process is not always pretty but if you want higher consciousness, more from life, a better you- you have to be willing to let it out and let it go. The truth is you can't give to anyone what you haven't given to yourself first. Just because you did it before doesn't mean you won't have to do it again! Loving yourself as you are (all the parts) takes practice. Accepting where you are doesn't mean that you won't feel crazy peeling layers, surveying your heart and looking in the mirror. I work to accept people as they are even when it is not what I may want or ready to hear. I'm working to love my imperfect self when things don't go my way...for some folk and for some situations, they have a calm sense of acceptance. Some even avoid. sometimes we just have to let the hot tears stream, make some noise and then get quiet. I know it's all ok but first I'm going to allow myself to be human. this has nothing to do with anyone but me. I am strong but I am allowing myself to just BE, no matter how ugly. tomorrow I'll laugh, play and create. I'm tired. Right now, I am gonna just rest and accept everything with love. I admire those who are able to do this effortlessly and I'm blessed to be surrounded by those who prioritize self care. You can't do everything alone, I'm learning. Time to refresh and refuel. Time to get by a pretty tree and listen to some water. Time to listen within with love.

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