Thursday, August 23, 2018

Secretly and quietly, every year since 2001, my heart floats out of my body and meets you in a space that death is not powerful enough to part...I will always love taught me true love and boundless friendship. You kept GOD in our house. You championed, challenged and communicated with my spirit in ways that have changed me forever. You were a great husband, father, friend...gone before we could get our footing. My heart breaks when I think of how important everyone was to you, how purposefully you chose to live, how huge your capacity to love, your generous nature and yet, how you were taken away so senselessly. there are no coincidences. Our time was without time! people always expect widows to be sad...but when I think of you, I'M SO GRATEFUL for your life...sooooo grateful to be the only woman you married and the last woman you loved.

8/23/ every year