Sunday, May 29, 2022

Musing 5.29.22

I'm grateful for the few folk in my life who are too elevated to constantly compete, mimic or minimize others, in the name of relating. I'm grateful for the few folk I truly fuxx with who consistently self evaluate, work on their own healing from trauma based beliefs/behaviors- instead of projecting and random dumping with no sense of solution. I'm grateful for the few folk who are not threatened by light, powerful vibration, beauty or a different expression. They see it as opportunity for growth, opening their hearts and the broadening of their curiousity/perspective. Truly grateful for those who see and believe another person's silence is their personal call for innerwork, not a time for ousting or shaming. How lovely to honor another's space without being asked! Eternally grateful for those who self correct, revisit and take personal responsibility for less than perfect human moments. This is also where I am and these are the only relationships that I honor. #truthseeker #selfwork #selfworth