Monday, March 4, 2019

This lady in Walgreens talking loudly on the phone about her relationship with this younger man; talking about how much she loves him and how he makes her body feel. How much she feels alive by the way he flirts with her and how long it's been since she felt like a woman. She says he doesn't even ask for that much money, only what he needs. She said the only thing that makes her feel some type of way is that he has a girlfriend that's his age. He tells her how immature his girlfriend is and how he always preferred older women. The lady also says he calls her randomly and only sees her late at night. Well story goes on and the lady says she caught a glimpse of her lover and his  girlfriend at a restaurant: apparently she was pretty with a nice shape. She said all she could do was stare. She said she could've left the restaurant but everything inside of her said to go introduce herself to her lover's woman. As she approached the table, her lover stopped her, stood up and introduced the older woman as one of the best ladies he knows. The older woman was struck dumb and could only muster a smile and a nod (not in that particular order). Her lover said that this woman (the older woman) was a mover and a shaker. Someone who is a power player. Then he said, "She's like a mother to me. " The older woman, defeated, slowly walked back to her table to gather her coat. She watched from the window, as her lover's lady laughed and carefully wiped food from his mouth. The woman was in tears, inconsolable, as she said with the ugliest of tones, "He had the nerve to come to my house at 2:41am. I'm so stupid. I let him in. "
I hated having access to this conversation. It broke my heart. This was definitely a mature woman, probably even somebody's cute grandma, but had so much life and love in her. I wondered where were the men her age, I wondered why she would allow such behavior at this age,  I wondered how great it must feel whenever she comes alive with the attention of someone youthful and virile. Then I thought of how many women and men accept less than they deserve just to feel. Just to have excitement. How much to we worship and covet youth and beauty? How much do we sacrifice of our own souls and self worth just to have a little moment of it? We have forgotten how to enjoy ourselves for ourselves. Too many loved starved folk having emotionally damaging relationships for temporary satisfaction. It's a sad state of affairs. Be aware but be more protective of your heart. Emotional health is just as important as physical health. Cultivate being alone and discovering new things about yourself. 🖤

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