Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Musing on Relationships 11.25.2017

Relationships take work and constant balance. No one is perfect. In fact, when you love someone, all of a sudden, those things buried deep within your psyche come to surface. Relationships are a mirror: your partner sees everything you try to hide, they see solutions you've been rolling in a circle to solve, they see the real you in its highest capacity. Years and years of a persona that you've survived on no longer work because your relationship forces you to confront the new you that is becoming. Many take conflict and revolving issues as proof that it is not meant to be. Quite the contrary: this is an opportunity to clean out the cobwebs and grow! It is not easy but necessary. Most forget during conflict, the wonderful things that brought you together, negate the magic that is created when love is in front. Well, I'm no punk. I'm not scared of who I am. I might be scared of the process, I might be guarded but I say that I would rather win the love of someone guarded but seeking to open up than someone fixed in their ways and stuck in everything that doesn't work. What does work? Which things that are mountains that you can reduce to molehills to have peace, harmony and support so that both individuals can thrive? Everything is not the end of the world! Spend more time loving up on each other. It's easier than you think... but you got to want it. If you don't, there is no reason to move forward. For me, each conflict or argument brings a deeper connection and insight into how to truly learn a person. The good times are great but do you have the emotional maturity to ride through individual shortcomings, stress,  sudden change and buried pain? Your mate is a mirror, they say. Are you willing to be imperfect, roll your sleeves up, get messy and evolve beyond your wildest dreams? Or do you expect fast food love? This QUEEN here is determined to have the very best from life. Whatever it takes. You either fuck with me or you don't. Period. 

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