Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Be loving or be silent. People who need help or support usually ask for a specific type of help. They know exactly what they need. It usually requires YES or NO. People who need help shouldn't have to run down their entire scenarios, play by play to receive judgement or unsolicited advice. People who ask for help don't want to be treated like they are 12, powerless and in need of guidance. People who need help don't need your ego, projections and photo ops. Some choose which way to help folk based on how they want to look to other people. Some only help so you can be well enough to go back and to help them. Society has become so individualistic that a person who needs help is treated as a criminal, a bum, a loser, an opportunist or weak. The ones who actually are these things get plenty of help! Why can't a person who needs help, just be a person who needs help? It can be anyone at anytime. Let's be gentle with each other. No one knows what another is facing. Sometimes just loving energy, prayers or silence helps more to increase the vibration. Do unto others...or be SILENT. Some help is no help at all. Check your ego and your heart.


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